Dallas ACAP Corporate Partners
The following companies and individuals were recognized as Dallas ACAP Corporate Partners for 2019 at the 2019 Closing Luncheon:
Recognized as Platinum Level Partners:
---- Southern Methodist University (SMU)
---- Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church (the only church that is a Platinum-level supporter of ACAP)
---- EY
Recognized as Gold Level Partner:
---- PwC
Recognized as Bronze Partner:
---- BKD
Recognized as Contributors:
---- Robert & Angela Dunlap
--- JLL
Recognized as Platinum Level Partners:
---- Southern Methodist University (SMU)
---- Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church (the only church that is a Platinum-level supporter of ACAP)
---- EY
Recognized as Gold Level Partner:
---- PwC
Recognized as Bronze Partner:
---- BKD
Recognized as Contributors:
---- Robert & Angela Dunlap
--- JLL