Suggested Books to Read
Promotion and Retention of African American Accountants in the 2lst Century U.S. Public Accounting Profession: A Summary of Finding and A Call for Action by Louis J. Stewart, Jean Wells, and Frank Ross, Howard University
A White-Collar Profession: African American Certified Public Accountants since 1921 by Theresa A. Hammond
In Pursuit of Purpose by Dr. Myles Munroe
Half Time by Bob Buford
What Color is your Parachute by Richard Bolles
The 10Ks of Personal Branding by Kaplan Mobray
Find a Job God's Way by David Rawles
Find Your Fit by Jane Kise and Devin Johnson
Campus CEO by Dr. Randal Pinkett
Black Faces in White Places by Dr. Randal Pinkett and Dr. Jeffrey Robinson
A White-Collar Profession: African American Certified Public Accountants since 1921 by Theresa A. Hammond
In Pursuit of Purpose by Dr. Myles Munroe
Half Time by Bob Buford
What Color is your Parachute by Richard Bolles
The 10Ks of Personal Branding by Kaplan Mobray
Find a Job God's Way by David Rawles
Find Your Fit by Jane Kise and Devin Johnson
Campus CEO by Dr. Randal Pinkett
Black Faces in White Places by Dr. Randal Pinkett and Dr. Jeffrey Robinson