Odell L. Brown Steps Down as Dallas ACAP Executive Director
It is said that: “Perhaps the greatest exercise for the human heart is to reach down to lift others up.” Thank each of you for exercising your heart by reaching down to lift me up to greater levels of spirit and service.
NABA ACAP is a great organization. I am mighty glad I had the privilege to serve as Dallas ACAP Executive Director from 2001 - 2021! LInkedIn Profile |
VideoNABA/ACAP APPRECIATION VIDEO: In this video, I attempt to express my gratitude to those who've supported me and NABA/ACAP during my 21 years as Executive Director of Dallas ACAP (and 46 years of continuous membership in NABA). I've been blessed with multiple career options as I've endeavored to make positive differences in the lives of those I've met along the way. I am grateful.
Appreciation CommentsThese were the comments I made during the NABA/ACAP Appreciation Reception held on Saturday, December 11, 2021 at Southern Methodist University, the Collins Building.